Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Unity Flags

Our Unity Flags are all up. They start in Room 20, go through the door into Room 21, and around the corner into Room 22.  All flags are linked together - this represents us as learners.


Monday, 16 March 2015

Karakia and Waiata

Each Morning we start our day together with a Karakia and Waitaia.   We have learnt several different Karakia and have 2 Waiata we know.  Here is a recording of one Karakia and 2 Waiata. 

Tuia ki runga,  tuia ki raro
Tuia ki waho,  tuia ki roto
Tuia te herenga tangata. 
Ka rongo te po, ka rongo te ao. 
Haumi e, hui e,  taaiki e.

Strive from around us
Strive from below us
Reach out to everyone
Let’s all believe in ourselves
Bring everybody together as one
So even in the darkest moments
We can see there is light

Come together through our shared experience.